
We never stop searching genuine parts and high quality replacement parts at reasonable price from both local and international markets, in order to satisfy customers’ needs in all parts of vehicles such as engine parts, powertrain system parts, steering system parts, suspension system parts, brake system parts, electrical system parts, body parts, accessories chemical and lubricants. Therefore, we have been trusted to be an official distributor for various leading car brands.


A complete automotive parts consultation provided by a team of well-trained expert call center that will help and facilitate your service using EPC and ERP system to accurately track product number, parts, year/series, price, product status, etc.

Transportation & Delivery

The variety service of product shipment available in various budget options. The service is convenient, fast, safe, nationwide, and available for real-time product track and trace.

After-sales Service

We provide the after-sales and customer relations service. We are ready to take a deep care and solve your problems promptly in various aspects, such as product warranty, product exchange or return, credit terms of payment, training, or marketing events.