Stopping the car to let pedestrians cross is not just an act of kindness, but a traffic rule!

Enforce Traffic Laws and Penalties

In regard to driving and pedestrian crossings on zebra crossings, failure to stop for pedestrians carries a fine of no more than 1,000 Baht, while pedestrians not using the crossing face fines of up to 200 Baht.

The legislation governing zebra crossings is outlined in the Land Traffic Act of 1979, which contains regulations for both drivers and pedestrians.

🚫Article 22
Drivers must drive cautiously and yield to pedestrians at crossings or to vehicles approaching from the right.

🚫Article 57
Drivers are prohibited from parking on pedestrian crossings or within 3 meters of them.

🚫Article 70
Drivers approaching junctions or intersections must stop or slow down, depending on the situation.

🚫Article 104
Within 100 meters of a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians are not allowed to cross outside of the designated area.

🚫Article 105
Pedestrians must follow traffic signals at pedestrian crossings. Red signals indicate crossing is prohibited, while green signals allow crossing. Pedestrians should wait if the signal is flashing yellow or green on the side they haven’t reached yet.

🚫Article 106
Pedestrians must obey traffic signals at crossings and intersections. They must cross within the designated pedestrian area and wait for signals to cross when indicated.

The penalty for not stopping for pedestrians to cross is a fine of 1,000 Baht. Regarding penalties, Article 147 stipulates that those who violate or fail to comply with Articles 104, 105, and 106 will be fined no more than 200 Baht. Meanwhile, Article 148 states that those who violate or fail to comply with Articles 57 and 70 will be fined no more than 500 Baht, and Article 152 specifies that those who violate or fail to comply with Article 22 will be fined no more than 1,000 Baht.

In summary, if a driver does not allow pedestrians to cross within 100 meters of a pedestrian crossing, the fine is not more than 200 Baht. If the driver does not stop for pedestrians to cross at a pedestrian crossing, the fine is not more than 1,000 Baht. Additionally, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation provides information that if a driver hits a pedestrian crossing at a crossing, causing injury, the penalty is imprisonment for not more than 3 years. In the case of a fatal accident, the penalty is imprisonment for not more than 10 years.

G.P. Auto Parts supports everyone in respecting traffic laws for their own safety and that of others. 🚦

Source: Land Traffic Act of 1979 (B.E. 2522), Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.

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